
A website where HLFU can collect sound samples from users to improve their app.

Picture of the project


Project scope: 1 week

Project type: Commercial project

Role: Developer

Tasks: Develop website

Tools: HTML/CSS, JS, Firebase

Lydbidrag is a data collection website initiated by HLFU to collect sound samples. The sound samples are going into a database in order to train their AI model in their app.

Lydbidrag was a commercial project for HLFU!


HLFU (Hørselshemmedes Landsforbunds Ungdom) is an organisation for people who are hearing impared. They help these people get through everyday life, and with the website, they are collecting audio from animals, sirens, crying babies, etc in order to train their AI model. This model is used in their app which vibrates and sends notifications if the user is close to any potential dangerous situations.

The task for this project was to develop the design provided. The website should let the user either upload an existing audio file, or record using the website, and send this audio file to Firebase. The process should be simple for the end user.


I already had the a partly website design for the landing. The rest of the website, I had to decide on the flow myself.

  1. Development
  2. Result

1. Development


With the short time-limit on this project, I had to decide not to do anything fancy to develop the website. Therefore, it is created using HTML/CSS and JavaScript. To speed up the styling, I decided to use Bootstrap for layout and modals.

When a user uploads an audio file, or records it using the website "record" feature, the data is sent to Firebase for further handling.

Feel free to contribute by sending in audio!

3. Result


Picture of the game start screen

That´s it! Thank you for reading.